Feng Shui and Restored Earth Energy for World Peace and Sanity

You may want to donate to Life Chi for a number of reasons, including that you've received benefit beyond what you feel you paid (similar to a tithe). This is following an ancient feng shui (in the wider world too!) tradition to honor the source of your benefit.

Earth Energy is Important!

Your home's energy is important and so is the earth's, home to all of us. Just like your home's energy system affects how you behave, the earth's affects humanity as a whole. It's energy system has been disrupted by civilization. We are rebuilding it and seek your help. The process involves world travel, purchasing sites and more. The result will be greatly increased peace and sanity. We believe that because the earth's energy system is not in great shape, humanity is destroying itself and the planet. Please reach out and help.

Thank you!

You may also help send Crystals to those who can't afford them. Donations small and large are helpful. Whatever amount is right for you, we heartedly thank you! One of our projects is restoring the earth's chi which has been harmed by civilization and is adversly affecting everyone. We are looking for $50,000 to $100,000 in donations for the next step.

You can make a one-time
donation or set-up monthly
donations which can be
stopped at any time. In
a moment you'll enter
the amount and can
leave a note.

© Life Chi 1999-2020 | SITEMAP

Life Chi Crystals are not meant to replace skilled medical care. You are encouraged to seek proper medical care both for health maintenance and acute care if it is needed. Please consult your practitioner before making changes to your medical routine. Nothing on this web site or other communications has been approved by the FDA. Although we may answer your general customer service questions, we are not licensed to address your particular medical situation.